
Music is a very important part of early childhood education. At the Brick Church School, children go to music every week to sing, play, dance, listen, and explore.

The music program at The Brick Church School aims to give children the groundwork for a lifetime of joyful music making, relying upon foundational music skills and positive musical associations in their earliest years. The skills-based goals of the music and movement program at Brick are:

1) to enable the children to find their singing voice – called the head voice
2) to enable the children to match pitch; and
3) to enable the children to hear and produce a steady beat.

As a means to achieve these goals, the children are guided to participate in many songs, games and activities. The Kodály, Orff, and Dalcroze methods of music education comprise the foundation of the music curriculum, created by the School’s music teacher. Parts of the Music Together curriculum for young children are also used in the curriculum. Additionally, the curriculum is influenced by the Reggio Emilia project approach to early childhood education. The children participate in activities that include vocal exploration, chants, songs, singing games, musical stories, instrument play, listening activities, and movement exploration. Music activities inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach include light and shadow play, song composition, and video documentation. In an effort to reinforce classroom learning in music class, phonemic awareness songs and activities are also used.

Singing is also a part of the daily classroom routine and the weekly Chapel services, where the songs learned are based on Judeo-Christian values of friendship and faith in God.

Through movement children explore their imaginations and physicality through many genres of music and through movement stories. They can pretend to be anything from ballerinas to gymnasts to martial artists to animals, or act out flying like an airplane, being the wind or rolling like a tumbleweed.  By exploring and playing instruments children learn about the properties of sound, cause and effect and start developing artistry and basic music skills.  Exploration of music by using their bodies and instruments promotes flexible thinking and activities are approached with an “anything can happen” attitude, so that children’s spontaneity and creativity is encouraged and developed.

Joy in making music is of primary importance, and the teacher strives to have children participate in all activities with confidence and enthusiasm.