Application Information for Church Members

The Brick Church School recognizes the importance of diversity in its student body and also seeks balance in each classroom in terms of gender, age and personalities. To this end, it welcomes children of members and non-members of The Brick Church of all racial, ethnic, religious, and other backgrounds. However, in accepting candidates for admission, the school gives preference to the children of active Brick Church members who joined The Brick Church prior to September 1st of the year they are applying.

What is an active member?
According to the Presbyterian Church’s constitution, the Book of Order (G-5.0102), active members take part in the common life and worship of the church, support the work of the church through the giving of time, talent, and money, and participating in the governing responsibilities of the church where possible. At The Brick Church, active church members regularly participate in worship, make a timely annual stewardship pledge and payment, and contribute to the ministries of The Brick Church.

The ministries of The Brick Church are exciting places to be involved. The Deacons, Session Committees, other program committees, and the Women’s Association offer many opportunities for giving time and talent. Parents might enjoy fellowship and service by teaching Sunday School, serving on a committee of interest, or volunteering for the TLC service with the Women’s Association, which brings home-cooked meals to Brick Church families in crisis. Families can also prepare and deliver meals for Cooks Who Care, bringing meals to people living with AIDS. Many women in The Brick Church prepare for the monthly communion service with the Chancel Committee. Active Brick Church members also cook at the Friday Night Dinner Program, volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, work at the Stanley Isaacs Center, serve on the Sunday Prayer Partner team, help run youth ministry programs, and assist with seasonal events. If you are wondering which Brick Church activities will best fit your interests, talents, and time, please know that the pastors and officers of The Brick Church are eager to listen to you and offer suggestions for service.

Is your child’s attendance in our two-year-old Sunday Church School class relevant for application to The Brick Church School?
The Brick Church welcomes and encourages children to attend the two-year-old Sunday Church School class, for which children are eligible in the school year in which they turn two years old by November 1. However, not all two-year-olds are ready to participate in group activities. If this proves to be the case for your child, be assured that Sunday School attendance is not required to show your child’s readiness for The Brick Church School or to demonstrate your active membership.

Does preference mean automatic acceptance?
No. The school administration must ensure that a child is developmentally ready to participate in its program. The administration must also believe that a child’s needs can be met without detracting from the experience of other children. The good of the school as a whole is also a consideration. (For instance, if the Church member population were predominantly one gender, which would imbalance classes, the school would not be able to take all the children of that gender. If an inordinate number of the children applying were summer and fall birthdays, the school might not be able to take all of them because there would not be enough room for all of them in the kindergarten class when they turn five.) So while children of active church members receive preference, they are not automatically accepted to the school.