Admissions Policy

Admissions Policy

The Brick Church School recognizes the importance of diversity in its student body and also seeks balance in each classroom in terms of gender, age and personalities. To this end, it welcomes children of members and non-members of the Church of all racial, ethnic, religious and other backgrounds. However, in accepting candidates for admission, the school will give preference to:

  • Children of parents, be they Church members or non-members, who require scholarship assistance to fulfill The Brick Church’s goal to have at least 10 percent of the students receive financial assistance
  • Children of active members of The Brick Church who joined the Church at least a year prior to December 1 of the year they are applying. [The Constitution of The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) – Part II, Book of Order 1999-2000, Section G-5.0202 defines an active member as a “person who has made a profession of faith in Christ, has been baptized, has been received into membership of the church … and participates in the church’s work and worship.” Earlier in the Book of Order {Section G-5.0102 (d.)}, it states that financial support is an important part of being a faithful member, and The Brick Church requires a timely stewardship pledge and payment as part of financial support.]
  • Siblings of non-member children who are or have been enrolled in the school.

In every instance, admissions decisions will be made by the school to preserve the best interests of the students and the quality of their educational experience both as individuals, as members of a particular class or grade, and as members of the student body of the school as a whole. Therefore, while preference will be given to the aforementioned applicants, preferential consideration will not guarantee admission.